West Plus Series P4100, P8100 & P6100 Temperature Controls  from Prime Controls Co.
controller PID Controllers with Autotune, P4100/8100/6100
  • 1/4, 1/8 & 1/16 DIN sizes
  • up to 3 outputs, linear, relay, triac or SSR Drive
  • optional RS485, remote SP, digital input, transmitter power

datasheet     manual
Plus Series Part Numbers
Description1/16 DIN1/8 DIN1/4 DIN
Primary Output RelayP61002100P81002100P41002100
+ 2nd Relay Control/AlarmP61002110P81002110P41002110
+ 3rd Relay AlarmP61002101P81002101P41002101
+ 2nd and 3rd RelayP61002111P81002111P41002111
Primary Output 4-20 mAP61002700P81002700P41002700
+ 2nd Relay Control/AlarmP61002110P81002110P41002710
+ 3rd Relay AlarmP61002701P81002701P41002701
+ 2nd and 3rd RelayP61002711P81002711P41002711

These are the most used part numbers, but there are many more available.
Please review the datasheet for a complete explanation.