Enhanced Industrial Connectivity, Communication and Interface  from Prime Controls Co.   Maple Systems
Maple Systems has specialized in industrial operator interface products for 40 years, since 1983. Their original products were the keypad and numeric display operator terminals; they added touch terminals in 2000 and touch computers in 2006. Some of their newest products are advanced industrial communication and interface equipment.

cMT: The acronym is "Cloud Management Technology," but you don't need to be working from a cloud to need enhanced communications. This is all about safely enabling remote control and tying your plant floor to your management system. Maple Systems cMT Products are Gateways, Servers, Displays and HMI's that perform a variety of tasks.

  • LAN Connectivity
  • WiFi Connectivity
  • Protocol Conversion
  • Remote Monitoring and Control (even from tablets)
  • Data Concentrator
  • Data Logger
  • HDMI Outputs for local displays

The equipments are in four categories, Gateways, Servers, Displays/Monitors and HMI's. These devices communicate with serial and Ethernet equipped industrial devices using over 300 protocols. They communicate on the LAN using MODBUS TCP or Industrial Internet of Things (IoTT) protocols MQTT and OPC-UA. Capabilities vary by device; see datasheets for details.

A special capability: Since Maple Systems products can communicate using over 300 different protocols, they can readily serve as communications "interpreters" between mismatched brands.

* A note regarding Serial Comms Ports: Maple literature shows the number of serial connectors as the number of ports, but extra ports are available through custom cabling. We show those extras here. A separate protocol can be assigned to each port.

Smart cMT Brochure (10 MB)
Click on Model Number for data sheet.
Maple Systems cMT Gateways cMT Gateways

  Make your controllers available to the network via Ethernet or WiFi.
  Protocol conversions enable comms not otherwise possible, over 300 protocols.
  Database capabilities.
  Modbus TCP/IP, MQTT, OPC-UA.
Gateway, Dual Ethernet, 3 Serial Ports
cMT-G01The basic gateway with full capabilities and Ethernet communications.
Gateway, Wi-Fi + Ethernet, 3 Serial Ports
cMT-G02Adds Wi-Fi communications.
Maple Systems cMT Servers cMT Servers     aka "Headless HMI's"

  Access your controllers from tablets, phones and computers.
  The servers have all the features of an HMI except the display.
  Program HMI screens into these servers; add the app to the remote devices.
  These all have 3 Serial Ports on 1 connector.
Server, Dual Ethernet, USB, 3 Serial Ports
cMT-SVR-100Standard server for remote control and monitoring.
cMT-SVR-102Standard server with EasyAccess license.
cMT-SVR-FHDX-820Adds HDMI output for local display, 1920 x 1080.
cMT-SVR-OPCUAWith built-in OPC-UA capabilities.
cMT-SVRX-820Advanced server with CODESYS support.
cMT-SVRX-822Advanced server with CODESYS support and EasyAccess license.
Server, Wi-Fi + Ethernet, USB, 3 Serial Ports
cMT-SVR-200Standard server with Wi-Fi.
cMT-SVR-202Standard server with Wi-Fi and EasyAccess license.
Maple Systems Industrial Monitors Industrial Touch Screen Monitors

  Maple Systems also offers a series of Industrial Touch Screen Monitors
  suitable for use with the cMT-SVR-FHDX-820
  and their line of Industrial PC's.

Maple Systems cMT devices program with EasBuilder Pro (EBPro)  (free download)
  • Easy to use for basic functions
  • over 300 protocols
  • strong macro language for special needs
Maple Systems has a great support center
at their website MapleSystems.com;
call us with questions, for quotes or to order.